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Change Case feature added to Word for Android

Feature deep dive
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Hey Office Insiders! My name is Sai Deepthi Kovvuru, and I’m a Program Manager on the Office Mobile team. I’m pleased to announce that we’ve released a highly requested feature in Word for Android: the Change Case feature.

Change Case feature

Being able to change case is a core editing capability, and we wanted to increase your confidence and flexibility while editing text on your device. You can now change the capitalization, or case, of any amount of text in a document by tapping a single button. This convenient and highly popular feature in Word for iOS and the desktop has now come to Android by popular demand.

How it works

Ready to give it a try? To use the Change Case feature in Word for Android, just do the following:

      1. Highlight the full text for which you want to change the case.
      2. Go to Home > More Formatting > Change Case.

      More Formatting screen on Android device.Change Case option on More Formatting menu in Android.3. Select one of these options:

      • Capitalize the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase by tapping Sentence case.
      • Exclude capital letters from your text by tapping lowercase.
      • Capitalize all letters by tapping UPPERCASE.
      • Capitalize the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase by tapping Capitalize Each Word.
        Change Case options menu in Android.


The Change Case feature is available to Office Insiders running Build 16.0.14330.10000 or later.

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