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Auto detecting data types in Excel

Feature deep dive
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Hi, Office Insiders. I’m Stacy Molitor, a Program Manager on the Excel team. I’m excited to share that auto detecting data types is now available in Excel.

Auto detecting data types

Data types like stocks and geography have been available for a while, but most people aren’t aware of their existence. We’re here to fix that! Letting people know when they have data in their workbook that could be enhanced by data types will help users pull in external data to enhance the data they’re analyzing.

Auto detecting data types.

How it works

  1. Type in several geographic locations or stock ticker symbols. Put them in separate cells in a column. For example, “Seattle”, “Spokane”, “Redmond” or “MSFT”, “ADBE”, “GOOG.”
  2. Click Convert to Geography or Convert to Stocks that appears to the right of the selected cell.

Help improve auto detect

If you get the on-object UI for data that doesn’t match the category of the data in your workbook, please submit feedback so that we can fix the problem.


Auto detecting in Excel is only available right now when an English input language is installed.


This feature is available to Current Channel (Preview) users who are running Version 1911 Build 11326.10000.

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