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Resize the Conditional Formatting dialog box

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Hi, Office Insiders! I’m Steve Kraynak, a Product Manager on the Excel team. We’re happy to announce a highly requested upgrade to the Conditional Formatting dialog box in Excel for Mac. It is now resizable, enabling you to see much more information at a glance!

Resizable dialog box

Previously, the size of the Manage Rules dialog box limited you to viewing just five conditional formatting rules at a time. You also may not have been able to see the entire formula or the range used in some of your rules. Now you can make the dialog box wider and/or taller, allowing you to see more of the rules at one time. You’ll also have more space to view longer formulas, if needed. 

In addition, this update improves accessibility by making it easier to use just your keyboard to manage your conditional formatting rules.

How it works

1. Select Conditional Formatting on the Home tab, and then click Manage Rules to open the dialog box.

The Conditional Formatting menu with the Manage Rules option highlighted in Excel for Mac.

2. Drag the edges of the resizable dialog box to make it larger or smaller, as needed.

GIF showing the resizing of a Conditional Formatting Manager dialog box in Excel for Mac.


We will be rolling the resizable dialog box feature out to Office Insiders running Beta Channel Version 16.64 (Build 22070600) or later.

Don’t have it yet? It’s probably us, not you.

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